(photo by Ambreen Hasan on Unsplash)

IN 1903, BRITISH philosopher James Allen wrote As a Man Thinketh. Some of its wisdom has been meaningful for well more than a century.

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Wellness+Giving Back

This image is compiled from a series of long-exposure photographs taken by NASA astronaut Don Pettit while aboard the International Space Station in 2012. ⁣It depicts star trails as circular arcs, and lighted cities on Earth as yellow and white streaks. (Photo from @NASA on Instagram.)

NINE-TENTHS OF a rocket’s fuel is used to break free from the gravitational pull from the Earth.

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Art + Entertainment

(photo by Alex Iby on Unsplash)

WHAT CONTROLS YOUR thoughts becomes your fate, your god, your path in life. What you focus on becomes your destiny. Every word you speak, every thought you have, is shaping the blueprint.

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People + Places