IN THE SIXTH annual portfolio, meet luminaries from all walks of life who have helped make Houston — and beyond — a better place.

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People + Places

Cocktails at Jonathan’s the Rub

Hot Car Sales Pro: Tony McClelland

Tony McClelland (photo by Al Torres Photography)

With his personal touch and attention to detail, Tony McClelland of Central Houston Cadillac has been named “Best Domestic Car Sales Professional in Houston” by Outsmart and has many faithful customers. The dealership, currently located in Midtown, is in the process of building a new landmark facility near NRG Stadium that’s set to open in August. The new location boasts the latest technological advancements and will be one of the largest Cadillac facilities in the country!

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THE MEANING OF “cool” evolves. In the ’50s you might have thought greasers were cool, with their leather jackets à la Danny Zuko. In the ’70s, a long-haired activist or a Studio 54 reveler in Halston. In the ’80s, a Wall Street master of the universe?

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