The grounds of Houston Botanic Garden; Seyba Diouf

GOODBYE CRISP AIR, hello humidity. Before things get really unbearable weather-wise in Houston, we can enjoy at least a few weeks of warmer, sunnier weather — perfect for outdoor gatherings and concerts.

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Art + Entertainment

Matthew Aucoin

THIS SATURDAY, APRIL 20, DACAMERA presents a world-premiere commission by a dynamic young talent.

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Art + Entertainment

Emmanuel Ax (photo by Nigel Parry)

IT STARTS OFF with a bang: a triumphant C major chord, its root, third, and fifth voiced across the entire orchestra. It’s as if you came home from a long day at work, entered your home to find the lights out then suddenly on, and a group of fashionable 18th-century Viennese men and women shouting in unison: “Surprise!”

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Art + Entertainment