YOU EVER JUST want to scream? Like, as loudly as you can, to absolutely no one in particular? Not a shout or a holler. I am talking about a primal yell that originates in the depths of your soul and spews forth with such force it shakes the tops of the trees and rattles the glass of surrounding buildings and changes ever-so-slightly the actual rotation of the planet. No? Just me?

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People + Places

I HADN'T PLANNED on entering an existential tailspin while reading a children's book to our four-year-old at bedtime, but that's exactly where Adam Rex's Why? left me.

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People + Places

I was recently browsing the Apple Music Hot Song list — a perpetually losing effort to remain cool and connected — and realized, for the very first time, I didn't know what any of them were. Not a one. Not even a vague recollection of something I heard someone talking about. Nothing. Further, some of them were extremely profane with very not subtle references to anatomy and related biological phenomena and geographical locations and things grown people do together.

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People + Places