YOU THINK YOU know how a shot is going to feel. At this point in life, I have had innumerable shots —the injection kind, not the concentrated dazzle of dizziness that precedes a morning spent sending apologetic text messages. Allergy shots, flu shots, immunizations — these are not foreign to me. And yet, there I found myself, a grown man, jumping back, yelping in pain.

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YOU EVER JUST want to scream? Like, as loudly as you can, to absolutely no one in particular? Not a shout or a holler. I am talking about a primal yell that originates in the depths of your soul and spews forth with such force it shakes the tops of the trees and rattles the glass of surrounding buildings and changes ever-so-slightly the actual rotation of the planet. No? Just me?

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IDEA Public Schools, a charter school initiative that was born and blossomed in Texas’ Rio Grande Valley, serving more than 50,000 kids, has chosen to expand into Greater Houston. Because of the limited options for great tuition-free public schools that provide a transformative education for children, IDEA is paving the way for student success in college and beyond.

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